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Don't Miss Out! Here Are Winter Freebies For 2024! Plus Free Things To Do!

Why spend money if you don't have to?

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illustration of woman opening a window and a snowman holding rope with attached coupons and presents
Alice Mollon
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There is no need to hunker down all winter with indoor activities, as cozy as they often are. Make time to get outside in the fresh, cold air and find free ways to enhance your weekends — no money required.


There’s no better feeling than giving your time and attention to something that speaks to you. Why not head over to a local animal shelter and volunteer to walk dogs or bring puppies outside to exercise? Shelter animals often need a break from their crates and finding regular volunteers to walk dogs in the cold may be more difficult. Pile on the layers and lace up your boots to give shelter dogs some outdoor exercise. Or offer to clear a neighbor or elderly person’s walkway or driveway, rake leaves or pack and organize a winter food drive. Delivering meals in the cold is also good for warming your heart.

Go Sledding

To make the most of snowy weather, bundle up and hit a local hill or hilly park for some sledding or tubing fun. Sometimes, hills in your yard or on your street will provide enough of a slope. Bring a thermos of hot chocolate, trail mix, a few friends and make an afternoon of it.

Head to the Local Winter Festival

Nearly every city and town has some sort of winter festival, whether it’s a lighting of the town tree or a full-on day of fun with events, competitions, music and food vendors. Look for sleigh rides, ice carving competitions, holiday craft fairs, light displays, s’mores stations and Santa. There’s something for everyone at a winter festival.

Polar Plunge

Live near a body of water? If there’s no “official” polar plunge in your town, go ahead and take one. Jumping into icy, near-freezing water in winter is both a physical and mental challenge that invigorates many. Conquering an intense cold can give you a sense of accomplishment, and some think it has health benefits like improved circulation and stress reduction. Many plunges happen around New Year’s as a bucket list activity or a way to start the year. They’re also popular with charity organizations. Even if you gather your partner, family, or a few friends, taking a polar plunge is a great way to set your goals for the New Year.


If you have local trails or fields covered with snow, snowshoeing is a fun way to burn calories, explore winter landscapes and connect with nature. Snowshoeing makes it possible to walk over deep snow, use muscles you usually don’t and build strength and endurance. It’s low cost or no cost if you already have snowshoes and compared with other winter activities like skiing or snowboarding, it’s easy, accessible, and suitable for most people. Dress in layers like you would for skiing and set off with a friend or a group. It’s like a winter adventure without the price of lift tickets or crowds. Plus, you might spy on an owl, fox or other wildlife.

Storytelling Around a Fire

Storytelling around the fire has been a tradition for centuries. Thanks to the popularity of the backyard fire pit, it’s a tradition whose time may have come again. Sitting around a fire and bonding with family and friends is a great way to create intimacy and community, share experiences — and tell stories. Firelight creates a mesmerizing ambiance to draw people in, and the darkness amplifies the mood for ghost tales or reminiscing. Invite over a handful of friends one weekend night, serve cocoa or hot toddies and enjoy.

Take a Drive to See Holiday Lights

In every town, one neighborhood or street has become known for its over-the-top holiday light displays. You know, the one where every house on the block goes all out. Though many people did this when the kids were young, it may have fallen out of favor as you grow toward an empty nest. But while everyone is back for a visit, you and the spouse can make an evening of it, grab some cocoa for the car and find the best light displays in your town.

Check with Your Local Library

During the winter, many community libraries hold events to bring people together and get people out and about. Some include holiday story-time sessions for young kids, winter reading challenges where older kids can track their reading and win prizes, crafting workshops, family-friendly winter movie nights, author talks and events, winter writing workshops, gingerbread house-making competitions, knitting and crochet circles or lessons, and photography or art exhibits. Check with your library to see what they offer — you can even suggest one or more of these winter activities.

Go Ice Skating

If you live in an area with a pond or lake that freezes over for skating, grab your skates and some friends and head over. Before skating rinks were popular, folks headed to the local pond when the water froze. In some places, this is still the premiere spot to skate. Check with local officials to be sure it’s safe for skating before heading out.


You may think spring is the ideal birdwatching time, but in winter, snowfall makes colorful birds easier to see. Just bring your binoculars and head to the woods or trails. Birds hang out near water sources and where they can find shelter, like in evergreen trees. Dress warmly, bring water and a snack, and keep your phone or bird book nearby. Birds you’re likely to spot in winter include the Northern Cardinal, Blue Jay, Dark-eyed Junco, Black-capped Chickadee and Downy Woodpecker.

Don’t Forget! More Freebies!

Free Shipping Day is December 14.

Free Entry Day at National Parks on January 20, 2025, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Many restaurants offer freebies for your pet including many locations of Dairy Queen, Sonic, Tim Hortons and other chains. offers a 14-day free trial.

Kids eat free at many restaurants including Denny's, Fricker's, IHOP and other chains.

Which of the above winter activities will you do this year? Let us know in the comments below.

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