Our monthly guide to assorted 2020 FREEBIES will be out in the December 26 issue of The Girlfriend. Don't miss it! You'll be able to TREAT YOURSELF all year long.
Here's just a little taste of what's to come.
National Bagel Day (Jan. 15): It used to be on Feb. 9, but Thomas’ (purveyor of English muffins and bagels) got tired of sharing the holiday with National Pizza Day, so they petitioned to have it moved — and won! Exercise your right to a free bagel at participating Original Brooklyn Water Bagel Co., Panera and Bruegger’s Bagels. Note: You may still see deals on Feb. 9, so check the National Day Calendar website for coupons on both dates.
There’s a lot to love this month — including Home Depot’s free Heart Box Workshop for kids. Check the website for registration dates (not available at publication time).
National Pi Day (March 14): Get it? It’s on 3.14! Since you can’t eat a ridiculously long string of numbers, you can get free or discounted (think $3.14) pizza and dessert PIE at restaurants like Boston Market; Bojangles’; Fresh Brothers; Pieology; CiCi’s Pizza; BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse; and Marie Callender’s, where you can get a free slice of pie with purchase of an adult entrée.
