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Your AARP Membership: Why It's Not The Grim Reaper’s Calling Card

Here's what the organization has to offer people of all ages.

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photo collage of various aarp membership perks
The Girlfriend Staff
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I am a card-carrying member of Gen X. It’s not in my wallet — it’s in my “I got this” attitude, amazing taste in music and ability to remember every cast member of The Love Boat.

When my AARP card arrived after my 50th birthday, it was a bit of a reality check. I still belt out songs in my car. I could still (probably) shotgun a beer. Ask not for whom the AARP card tolls, it tolls for ... ME?

To be honest, I wasn’t exactly sure what the organization did except that it was for people way older than me. Full disclosure: I might still not know if I hadn’t started working for them as a freelancer.

Since then, I’ve lived and learned that the changes between ages 40 and 50 rival the leap from ages 10 to 20, including hormonal rollercoasters, new living situations, changing family dynamics and figuring out how to save while I spend. Oh, and then there's the awkwardness of making new friends.

Years of confidently balancing work, parenting and denim trends wavered amidst perimenopause, new medical milestones — bone density tests, colonoscopies — and looming retirement.

I may be just about done growing up, but I don’t know a whole lot about growing older. Dinner at 5:30? You bet! Bedtime at 9 p.m.? Yes, please! That I understand. But the rest can be a little daunting.

If you’re in or nearing your 50s, these topics are likely on your mind, too. Just a few clicks in the AARP search bar yields valuable guidance:


Menopause & Healthy Aging

Caretaking Support


Once I became an AARP member, I exhaled a little, knowing I was part of an organization that’s got my aching back for only $12 a month. It gave me exclusive access to travel guidance and savings, retirement strategies and tips, curated entertainment, an award-winning magazine and exciting rewards points and benefits.

When I first heard about AARP, I remember thinking, “Oh, I’m not a ‘Retired’ person yet, so this isn’t for me.” But now that I know what they do, I find the “R” is for people my age who want to be “Ready.”

I’ll always be Gen X. And I'll always want to keep my “I got this” attitude. With AARP, I can.

Learn more about joining AARP.