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The Top 5 Items To Purge From Your Closet This Spring Season

You're going to feel more confident and refreshed.

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gif illustration of woman looking through her closet and removing items she doesn't need anymore
Ana Curbelo
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If you walk into my closet on a Sunday morning, you’ll likely find a pile of discarded clothes on the floor. I'll try on several outfits before deciding what to wear out on Saturday night.

Why is getting dressed for a simple evening out with friends always so challenging for me? How can I have a closet full of clothes, yet still feel like I have nothing to wear?

The simple solution may seem like I need to go shopping. However, the better choice is a closet purge.

“Purging your closet can create more space, making it easier to see what you own and find things quickly,” explains Alison Lumbatis, a podcaster, author and style-confidence pro. "This can save time and reduce decision fatigue.”

In addition, a closet purge can be an emotional boost. “A decluttered closet feels like a fresh start,” she says. “It’s a chance to let go of guilt, stress or outdated self-perceptions tied to old clothes. The process often leads to greater clarity and confidence about your personal style.”

With the spring season finally here, I am ready to roll up my sleeves and do a deep dive, finally purging the following five items that clog my closet:

1. Impulse Regret Buys

These are the pieces that I have purchased (some still with the tags on) and never worn, even though I have owned them for a significant amount of time. They mostly sit gathering dust in the back of the closet, getting no love. Or, if I do try them on, they end up disregarded on the floor pile because they don’t fit right, don't flatter, or aren't comfortable. "People hold onto certain pieces because of the guilt associated with the cost,” says Lumbatis. “Letting it go feels like admitting to a mistake."

But what’s the point if a piece of clothing sits in your closet, creating clutter and not getting worn? "To overcome the guilt, reframe it," she says. "Tell yourself that the item served its purpose the moment it taught you more about what doesn't work for you.”

2. That Comfy Sweater with the Hole in It

I have a few sweaters in my closet that I hold onto for sentimental value. But the reality is that I feel shlumpy and blah when I wear something torn, stained or worn out. Even if it’s just around the house, I feel better mentally when I’m wearing something I wouldn't be embarrassed to be seen in if I ran into someone at the grocery store.

“If it looks tired, it’s time to say goodbye," says Lumbatis. So yes, I am saying farewell to the leggings with stretched elastic, the faded tees, permanently stained sweatshirts and the oh-so-comfy sweaters with the moth holes.

3. Size-Too-Small Jeans

Nothing puts me in a worse mood before I get ready to go out for the evening than trying on a pair of too-tight jeans. It makes me not want to eat (which is silly since I’m on my way to dinner) and feel bad about myself.

It’s time to stop punishing ourselves if we put on a few pounds. “Let go of ‘someday’ aspirations," advises Lumbatis. "Keeping these types of items often creates frustration because every time you see them or try them on, you’re reminded of a version of yourself that doesn’t align with your current reality.”

Lumbatis tells clients to focus on dressing for the body they have today. If I’m ever down to my pre-menopause weight, I'll buy a new pair of jeans in a smaller size. In the meantime, I’m purging these ill-fitting jeans and only keeping the denim that fits and flatters me now.

4. Shoes That Cause Blisters

I went through a phase where I thought that, as a shorter woman, I should up my shoe game and wear heels more often. While I have gotten good use out of the wedge-heeled boots and two-inch-high kitten heels, anything higher than that or with a steep pitch has not made me happy. Each time I wear them, I either get blisters, my toes get pinched or — even worse — I totter as I walk. “Those shoes aren’t going to magically become comfortable,” says Lumbatis.

If I break a hip trying to wear too high a heel, I won't have to wear anything but a hospital gown for a long time. So, while I love beautiful shoes, I am ready to let go of any I can’t walk in safely and comfortably.

5. Dated Trends

During quarantine in 2020, I bought a few tie-dye sweatsuits. I am unsure why I fell madly in love with this trend, but I haven't worn them in at least two years. Lumbatis says to get rid of "anything that makes you feel like you’re stuck in the past rather than embracing your current style." Like the sourdough starter and 5,000-piece jigsaw puzzles still wrapped in cellophane, my tie-dye sweatsuit era is over.

Joy of Closet Purging

While shopping and buying new things may seem more fun, a good closet purge will be much more beneficial in the long run. “Shopping can provide a temporary high, but removing excess creates lasting satisfaction,” explains Lumbatis. “A well-edited wardrobe lets you see and appreciate what you own, making it easier to get dressed and feel confident.”

If you’re feeling stuck or unsure, ask a trusted friend or a professional stylist to come over and help (let them know you are looking for honesty and not to hold back their feedback). "It can also encourage you to see possibilities in pieces you might have overlooked and hold you accountable when it’s tempting to hang onto something you don’t need,” says Lumbatis.

Admittedly, I feel bad about getting rid of clothes in good shape that no longer fit me or suit my lifestyle. Lumbatis advises donating the pieces, especially the more expensive “regret buys” that are in good condition. "You can release the guilt and give the piece a new life with someone who will actually wear and love it.”

I’m looking forward to getting dressed quicker, knowing my clothes fit and are in good condition (not to mention not having to clean up a pile of clothes from my frenzied efforts to get dressed). “When you release the items that no longer serve you, you’re left with a closet full of pieces you truly love and wear; this is the foundation of closet contentment,” says Lumbatis.

When's the last time you cleaned out YOUR closet? Let us know in the comments below.

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