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The 7 Common Makeup Mistakes Women Over 50 Make

And here's how to avoid them.

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Gif, woman, before and after, beauty mistakes, makeup, photograph
Stephanie Diani
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Do you apply your makeup every day with little thought to what you’re doing — or how it looks? If that’s the case, you’re probably making some common “makeup mistakes” that can age you and prevent you from looking your best.

Fear not! We’ve got the skinny on the seven most common makeup mistakes women over 50 make — and how to avoid them.

Mistake: Saying You’re “Too Old” for Makeup

A common midlife mistake is never bothering with makeup, says Emily Heise, a professional makeup artist in Illinois (@Essential_Emily). “I see a lot of women over 50 saying, ‘I’m too old for makeup now — no one is looking at me. Who cares how I look?’” she says. “You’re telling yourself you’re not worthy of enhancing your natural beauty. Makeup is meant not to change your appearance, but to enhance what you have.”

Solution: Change your mindset. Whether you’re in the world or going to be on a video call, you want to present your best self. It’s all about confidence, says Heise.

Mistake: Wearing Too-Red Lipstick

Your signature “red lips” may make you look older than you realize — a 50-something woman shouldn’t be wearing the same color she did in high school, says Heise.

Solution: Switch up your tint — you can wear a red lip, but it may be more pink or orange than you’re used to. Visit Ulta or Sephora and get color-matched to see what shade looks best on you. And use lip liner to help prevent your lipstick from bleeding.

Mistake: Failing to Use a Primer

Do you apply foundation directly over your moisturizer? That’s a mistake, as it’s likely to settle in your “fine lines” and wrinkles. Using a primer first helps prep your skin and will let your makeup stay all day. It’s a barrier between your skin and makeup.

Solution: Apply a cream or gel primer before you apply your foundation to minimize pores and help your makeup look fresh. Look for products that say “gel primer” or “cream primer” on the label.

Mistake: Wearing Too-thick Foundation — or Foundation That’s the Wrong Color

A thick layer of foundation ages you. As you get older, opt for a more lightweight or sheer foundation, says Heise. Many women are wearing the wrong color of foundation.

Solution: Choose a lightweight liquid foundation and match it to your jawline or neck for the right color. Or try a tinted skin serum, which is basically a skincare product with some color in it.

Mistake: Not Taking Care of Your Skin

This isn’t about wearing the wrong makeup but lacking the proper skin care. “Over 50, you’re losing collagen and elasticity, and your skin dies at a faster rate than when you were younger,” says Heise. “You want to make sure you’re introducing hydration and collagen into your skin.”

Solution: Take an oral collagen supplement or use a collagen mask weekly to help replace lost collagen. Apply moisturizer in the morning (with SPF) and at night to keep your skin hydrated. Products with vitamin C help hydrate your skin and make it look brighter; look for “anti-aging” on the label. Exfoliate your skin several times a week with a gentle exfoliant to remove dead skin.

Mistake: Wearing Black Liquid Eyeliner

This look dates your makeup (it screams “disco era”), and a thin black liquid line on your eyes ages you.

Solution: Use brown eyeliner or gel and smudge your eyeliner a bit to define your eyes without making you look older.

Mistake: Never Changing Your Makeup Look

You probably learned to do your makeup in high school or college, but techniques and standards change over the years. If you’ve never changed up your look, it’s probably time for a makeup refresh, says Heise.

Solution: Keep up with makeup trends to look more current, but don’t jump on every TikTok trend. Instead, follow influencers who are your age, with your skin type, for ideas that will work for you, says Heise.

When you maintain a consistent skincare routine and use makeup to enhance what you already have, you’ll look more attractive, more vibrant, and, yes, younger, too.

Do you find you wear more or less makeup as you grow older? Let us know in the comments below.

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