The new year is the perfect time to perform a bit of self-examination and hit reset. I’m prone to making a list that usually revolves around wellness. Yet (shhhh), I habitually read in bed at night with popcorn or kettle chips and wine. I know it isn’t good for me on so many levels, but it’s my not-so-secret vice that I have no intention of giving up. Turns out, I’m not alone. Once I was honest about my own li’l vice, I started asking around and found plenty of others with revelations of their own.
Ready to flip the script on predictable New Year’s resolutions? The following Girlfriends anonymously share the vices they refuse to part with — this year or ever. Buckle up, and let’s get started.
“When movie theaters were allowed to open during the pandemic, my husband and I resumed our weekly movie date night. All the oldies (Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Jaws) were featured since nothing new was released. We were pretty much the only ones there. Since concessions were closed, I brought our own cocktails or wine and snacks — ranging from popcorn to full-throated charcuterie. By the time the theaters fully reopened, this habit was set in stone. Today, I’ll often pair the drink with the movie — for example, champagne with 101 Dalmatians, Vesper Martinis with James Bond’s No Time to Die, Hurricanes as a nod to New Orleans in Haunted Mansion. Sometimes, we simply bring cans of wine, other times, we split a bottle between two cups. This is our new normal! I don’t think I will ever go to a movie again without a purse full of wine.”
“Every day, I do yoga with my sister while watching Ari Melber on MSNBC before retiring to the back porch with a martini in one hand and an American Spirit cigarette in the other. It’s all about balance — I wouldn’t give up any of these glorious habits!”
“You will have to pry my fountain Diet Coke from my cold, dead (probably cancerous?) hands. I’ve cut sugar and alcohol due to health issues, so GIVE ME THIS ONE THING.”
“We have a big home, but ran out of storage because my husband and I own hundreds of sneakers, mostly Nike with some Adidas thrown in. At first, it was justified. We planned on starting a small side business because many of them are valuable. But that was years ago, and life has been too busy juggling kids and work life. Yet, we continue to grow our collection because we have a good eye for them. Our basement is literally stuffed, our storage room is maxed and I’m now carting the overflow to my office.”
“Lipstick is my obsession. I have a major lipstick collection — 141 tubes last I counted. As a beauty editor, I’m aware that things expire, and I’ve had some for 5-plus years. But I just love them and can’t part with any. I have reds, pinks, oranges, browns, purple and blue hues. Despite what my sister thinks, each shade is a little different. Some are matte, others have a gloss finish. Many marvel at my collection, but I will never downsize. Each tube has a place in my heart — and look.”
“I have a weakness for butter. Anything I can smother in butter, I do — despite knowing the cardiovascular risks. I've often joked to my kids that ‘I'll die of butter’ (as if it’s a disease itself). But I just love it so much.”
“I gave up sugar in my coffee. Fine. I gave up Coke years ago. Fine. I no longer buy big tubs of Red Vines at Costco. Fine. But I will not give up cinnamon rolls. Sorry!”
“Pretty much the only way I can get a decent night’s sleep is by taking a cannabis gummy a few hours before bedtime. It helps shut off my busy mind and tempers my anxiety. I try to limit my habit to a few times a week, on nights when I know it’s really important to get rest for the following day. I know it’s not the healthiest choice, but I trust it has to be better than relying on pharmaceuticals.”
“I’m a sucker for thrift stores. I can’t not stop in, ‘just in case.’ Once I’m through the door, it’s over! I can’t resist something if it’s a brand I like or a great deal — even if it isn’t quite what I was looking for or the fit isn’t perfect. And since you never know what you’re gonna find, frequent stops are important.”
“I’m weirdly obsessed with drinking vessels of every variety — water bottles, wine glasses, cocktail glassware and thermal containers of all types. I cannot stop buying them. I have them everywhere: by my bedside, in my car, at my desk. The funkier, the better! Confession: I have a total of about 250 pieces. Life is better when you properly accessorize your events. It feels so much more festive and fun with a great glass in hand – even simply drinking water is better from a great glass.”
What vice will you never give up? Let us know in the comments below.

Chloe Batchelor
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