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Pre-Arranged Bus Tour Or Plan-Your-Own Travel Tour?

Here are the pros and cons of both options.

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Bus driving through tunnel, Bryce Canyon USA
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I am a details person, particularly when I want to tour a destination and its attractions. I need to know in advance my exact times of arrival and departure, how I’m getting from one place to another, how much it will cost and how long the travel takes. In new-to-me places, I want to see as much as I can in case I never have the chance to return! Let’s face it: there are so many destinations and only so much time and money for travel.

I have toured by pre-arranged bus tours and DIY comprehensive tours. Do I have a preference? There is no easy answer — it always depends on my wants and needs for a specific trip. My first visit to Italy was as a newly divorced woman traveling with a friend from work and it suited me perfectly to let an experienced company arrange everything. Yet when I returned to Italy a decade later with my second husband and young daughter, my needs were different, and I could plan entirely on my own an incredible holiday our family will never forget. A year after that trip to Italy, I took another coach tour of France with my daughter and teen stepson. I’ve toured the UK and Eastern Europe by coach tour, but have independently planned incredible tours of California, England and Portugal.

To help you decide if a coach tour or DIY travel tour is best for you, here are the pros and cons of traveling via each method.


Simple, less time-consuming and less stressful planning.

Everything (or almost everything) is booked for you (depending on the tour operator), like hotels, some meals, luggage portering to and from your accommodations, and transportation from city to city and within city landmarks. Planning a trip that takes you to multiple destinations and/or attractions is extremely time-consuming unless you are a person who doesn’t worry about confirmed arrangements in advance! Bus tours save all or most of that planning time, depending on how demanding an itinerary you choose. (Coach tour travelers may wish to plan pockets of free time in the tour itinerary.)

“The downside of self-planned travel is the added responsibility of handling logistics, such as booking accommodations, arranging transportation, and navigating unfamiliar territories,” says Hammer Tsui, co-founder of the travel website A Fun Couple. “Coach tours are perfect for those who prefer a hassle-free experience and want to sit back and relax while exploring new destinations.”

A rear-view shot of a large multi-ethnic group of tourists on a coach bus, listening to the tour guide who is speaking into a microphone
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Social interaction.

Verandah Adkins, founder of Travel Legacy and the Association of Black Travel Professionals, finds , “Coach tours can be a great choice for solo travelers seeking companionship and the opportunity to connect with others from around the world. In my experience in the travel industry, I have often found that travelers on coach tours are friendly, willing to ‘buddy up,’ and open to sharing experiences.”

Professional guides and easier access to attractions.

Coach tours cover so many tourist destinations, usually with a well-informed guide to explain the history, relevance and context or share stories about the attraction. An added bonus is that some tours provide “front of the line” access to busy destinations. There’s also an added sense of safety when you know you have a guide who speaks the local language and can handle any unforeseen issues or simple things like checking in to hotels.


Multi-day coach tour buses are usually pretty cushy and air-conditioned and don’t require maps, GPS systems, train schedules, international driving licenses or any other transportation work from travelers; there is a driver to take you everywhere. (Most big buses also have a small toilet for emergency use, although all the tours I’ve taken stop regularly at rest stops for “comfort breaks.”) If you are the kind of traveler who likes to go, go, go! then a bus tour can also force you to rest as you move from one spot to another.


Llamas and Alpacas, herd by the side of the road with tour groups in the Reserva Nacional de Salinas y Aguada Blanca, Arequipa, Peru,
Phil Crean A / Alamy Stock Photo/Alamy Stock Photo

Potential cost savings.

A bus tour can sometimes be more cost-effective than self-planned travel touring, especially if you travel during an off-season when some companies offer a discount. However, lower costs aren’t always guaranteed, so don’t choose self-planning or bus tours for cost alone.


Despite these benefits, coach tours don’t always suit wants and needs. Here are some aspects of DIY travel tours you may prefer:

Endless choices.

Planning your own travel allows you to book exactly where you want to stay, maintain loyalty to specific hotel chains if desired, and book hotels with amenities you enjoy or need.

Highly personalized itineraries.

Your holiday is the time to do what you want. If you wish to maintain control over your itinerary, a structured bus tour might be overly demanding. With early morning departures, less time at certain attractions than you’d like or visits to places you don’t care to see or that have physical demands, may be too difficult for some. Self-planning allows for as much or as little free time as you want.

Opportunities to “live like a local.”

If wandering a neighborhood or area and discovering treasures off the beaten tourist track fills your travel soul, planning your own tour may be ideal for you. Bus tours usually offer local experiences (some with additional cost) but don’t always feel genuine and may be crowded with other coach tours attending simultaneously. Jessica Sproat, founder of travel site Next Up…Adventure finds that “Self-planned travel allows you to customize your trip exactly how you want. You can stay longer in places you enjoy and skip destinations that don't interest you as much. You also have more freedom to have authentic local experiences at your own pace, rather than just visiting crowded tourist sites.”

Your choice of travel companion(s).

Meeting new people isn’t for everyone. If you’d rather limit how much small talk you make with virtual strangers or you prefer to avoid people who may be very different from you in personality, beliefs, or political opinions, planning your own tour is a better option — the choice is about knowing how you (and any travel companions) like to travel, what you want to see and do and what you can afford. There’s always the option of having the best of both worlds by using pre-arranged half or full-day touring of specific destinations coupled with some self-planned downtime or discovery. Adkins suggests collaborating “with a trained tour guide or travel professional to create a customized itinerary that incorporates both independent exploration and guided group excursions to key destinations.”

There is never a right or wrong way to travel and what works for one holiday might not for the next. Do your research and choose the option that works best for you.

Do you prefer going on a pre-arranged tour or do you like planning your own trips? Let us know in the comments below. 

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