Are you sick of being at home yet? I’m sure the answer is yes. I’m also pretty sure you’ve tackled some things you’ve been meaning to get to. I know I was very proud of myself after I finally cleaned out my ex-husband’s closet (he moved out over three years ago) and bought some much- needed shoe racks.
It’s time to level up, though. I’m excited to share that there are some amazing, free classes we can take this winter as we listen to the wind blow outside. Here are several to check out, for good reasons.
The Science of Well-Being
Where: Yale University
Why: Now more than ever we want to feel mentally healthy.
Description: This is the class to take if you want to boost your productivity and work on being a happier person.
Psychological First Aid
Where: Johns Hopkins University
Why: Because it’s time to take our mental health as seriously as our physical health.
Description: You’ll learn the RAPID model (Reflective listening, Assessment of needs, Prioritization, Intervention, and Disposition) and be able to apply it in many aspects of your life as well as help others.
Stanford Introduction to Food and Health
Where: Stanford University
Why: We love food, right? Why not learn how to use it as our fuel and get healthier?
Description: You will learn the science of food and how to make conscious decisions about what you put in your body. It will give you a better understanding of the different foods eaten and the effect they have.
First Step Korean
Where: Yonsei University
Why: You’ve always wanted to learn a new language, and it feels like a good winter to do that.
Description: This is an elementary-level course that will guide you through speaking, reading, writing in and listening to Korean.
International Women’s Health and Human Rights
Where: Stanford University
Why: It’s important to know what there is to learn about our health and our rights as women.
Description: This is an interactive course that will teach you about women’s health issues at every age.
Workouts with Melissa Bender
Where: Bender Fitness
Why: It’s fun, and there are a variety of classes to choose from — depending on what you are feeling like that day.
Description: Melissa Bender is a certified fitness trainer who offers great classes that will suit different fitness levels. Many of the workouts can be done right in your living room without any equipment.
Creative Writing
Where: Wesleyan University
Why: Even if no one ever reads what you have to say, writing is incredibly therapeutic.
Description: You will get to try your hand at writing creative stories, memoirs and narrative essays. You’ll learn to create engaging stories and evaluate the writing of peers in the class.
Think Again 1: How to Understand Arguments
Where: Duke University
Why: So you can win every argument for the rest of your life. (I’m kidding. Kind of.)
Description: After taking this course you will have a better understanding of arguments, whether someone is actually trying to argue, and how to break an argument into its essential parts.
How to Create a Website in a Weekend!
Where: State University of New York (SUNY Online)
Why: So you can quit your job already and follow your dreams — and be your own boss.
Description: You’ll learn skills you need in order to publish your own website and get it up and running, safely.
An Introduction to American Law
Where: University of Pennsylvania
Why: You are adept at arguing, and everyone tells you that you’d make a good lawyer.
Description: This course will allow you to dip your toes into the land of law and take you through the six different types of American law.
Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills
Where: University of Michigan
Why: It has always been difficult for you to compromise or ask for what you want.
Description: Discover how to successfully negotiate in several areas of your life.
Animal Behaviour and Welfare
Where: University of Edinburgh
Why: Because you’ve always had a soft spot for your fur babies.
Description: You’ll study animal behavior, their emotions, and explore the complexity of animal welfare.
Learning to Teach Online
Where: University of New South Wales (UNSW) Sydney
Why: That seems to be the way of the future, and teaching online is a lot different than in person.
Description: Based on the open educational resource developed by Simon McIntyre and Karin Watson, this course will give you strategies to improve your own online teaching skills.
Wind Energy
Where: Technical University of Denmark
Why: We all want to save the Earth.
Description: You will study wind energy research and come away with an understanding of wind energy engineering. This class offers hands-on activities.
Moral Foundations of Politics
Where Yale University
Why: We all want to be more knowledgeable about how our system works.
Description: This course dives into several aspects of politics, old and new. You will also discuss important conflicts happening today — such as the environment, economic inequality, and health care.
Principles of Sustainable Finance
Where: Erasmus University Rotterdam
Why: We could all use a better grasp of money and its effects.
Description: This course will teach you about sustainable banking and long-term value creation.
Everyday Parenting: The ABCs of Child Rearing
Where: Yale University
Why: Let’s face it, we all need help in this area.
Description: Discover some simple tricks and tools that will make your job as a parent easier. Learn what works — and what doesn’t — when it comes to being a mom or dad.
Dog Emotion and Cognition
Where: Duke University
Why: We’d do anything for our dogs.
Description: Get to know your canine on a whole different level. Study how they see us, and use the information to tighten your bond with your dog.
Child Nutrition and Cooking
Where: Stanford University
Why: It’s important to understand contemporary child nutrition, and to get our kids involved in conscious eating.
Description: Learn how what a child eats each day affects their body and mind, as well as how to prepare some healthy and delicious meals.
Astronomy: Exploring Time and Space
Where: University of Arizona
Why: You’ve always had a thing for the physical universe.
Description: Learn about the most up-to-date discoveries (and a background in science is not required).
