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They say grief is just love with nowhere to go — isn’t that equal parts beautiful and sad? At some point or another, everyone will experience grief. And while everyone’s journey is unique, they’re all centered around love and loss. One of the universal truths about grief is that it is a lifelong journey. It has a marked beginning, but no real end.
I recently lost a loved one and the grief consumes me. It hits at random times without warning. I have no choice but to embrace the tears and the love and the loss when grief decides the time is right. Amidst this overwhelming journey, I am desperate to connect to my loved one in new ways: to feel his presence, communicate with him somehow and commune with his soul. I often beg him for signs — sometimes specific (please send me a blue feather today) and sometimes generic (I’d love a little something to let me know you’re okay). At times, my requests of the dead make me feel a little crazy, but then, BAM! A feather appears, and I am overcome with joy and peace.
These signs are a glimmer of hope to the grieving, and I am so grateful for them. Of course, I’m not the only one to experience them. Here are stories from others who have received the gift of an unexpected connection with their loved ones after they passed away:
An Angel’s Wing
“After my grandmother passed away, I felt a profound sense of loss. She was always a source of love and guidance in my life, and her absence left a void in my heart. In the weeks following her passing, I started noticing small but significant signs that she was still with me. One day, as I was feeling particularly down, I found a feather on my doorstep. It was a simple white feather, but it felt like a gentle reminder that my grandmother was watching over me.” — Sandra, 58, California
Perfect Timing
“My father died on 9/11 when I was 12. [Years later], I went to the 9/11 museum with my girlfriend. There is one section of the memorial where the names of [victims] are read by their family members on a loudspeaker. The second we walked into that section, I heard a voice that sounded familiar, "…and my husband, David Francis Ferrugio." It was the recording of my mom reading my father’s name. To me, it was more than coincidence.” — David, 35, California
Midnight Talks
“My grandmother, Mary, passed away five years ago. About a year [later], I was feeling particularly lost and overwhelmed. I had a vivid dream where I was back in her house, sitting at the kitchen table just like we used to. She walked in, looking as healthy and vibrant as ever, and sat down across from me. In the dream, she reached out and held my hands, and I could actually feel the warmth of her touch. She told me that she was proud of me and that everything would be okay. She also mentioned a blue butterfly and said it would be a sign that she was watching over me. When I woke up, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace. A few days later, I was on a walk at a nearby park, thinking about the dream. Suddenly, a blue butterfly fluttered past me and landed on a flower right in front of me. I knew in that moment that it was a sign from my grandmother, reassuring me of her presence and love.” — Corrie, 35, Oregon
An Unexpected Dinner Guest
“I was extremely close with my father, who passed away when I was in my 30s. He loved birds, photographed them often and took great care of his many birdfeeders. After his death, I started seeing cardinals on special days. One particular night, I was missing him a little more than usual. My family decided to eat dinner on our deck, and as we sat down at the table, we noticed a cardinal sitting right on the ground next to us, and he was in no rush to fly away. I half-jokingly said, ‘Hi, Dad!’ He didn’t stay for the whole meal, but he stayed long enough for me to feel close to him.” — Cathy, 46, Vermont
A Welcome Intruder
“My best friend passed unexpectedly seven years ago, and I was heartbroken. Woody loved dogs, art and tattoos. He had two full sleeves of dragonflies, which he sported proudly. To get my mind off of my ache, a friend took me to the annual butterfly exhibit at the Museum of Natural History. They allow you to step into the butterflies and have them land on you. All of the butterflies were landing on my friend, but none on me. And then a dragonfly landed on my head! The museum worker was shocked, ‘How did that dragonfly get in here?’ My friend and I broke into tears and laughter. It was Woody!” — Heather, 56, New York
A Special (Re)Birthday
“A few months after my son passed away, I decided to plant a tree in his honor. The tree arrived in a large box and sat on my porch for a few days in October. When I opened the tree, I noticed a tag was hanging on a branch, and on that tag was the date April 13 — my late son’s birthday. I knew this was a gift from above and so much more than just coincidence.” — Mary, 65, Connecticut
Have any of you ever experienced anything like the above? Let us know in the comments below.

Anna Rupprecht
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