If you’re like us, you’ve been binging on Cards Against Humanity and are desperately seeking new adult entertainment. We’re here to help.

For fans of Pictionary: Drawing Without Dignity
In this game, you have to guess what your teammate is drawing before your time runs out. Be prepared for some racy clues: This is similar to Cards Against Humanity, but in drawing form. It’s ideal for four to six people — but make sure those people aren’t shy. $25 at amazon.com

For fans of collaborative games: Pandemic
If you haven’t had enough of the actual pandemic, turn to this game, where you’ll work with your team to keep the world safe. This game is easy and truly addictive. It takes strategy, much thought and tons of skill. But it will soon become your obsession, and you will not be able to stop trying to save the world. This is one of the best new games. $36 (list price $45) at target.com

For fans of Cards Against Humanity: What Do You Meme?
Create hysterical meme combos by matching your best meme photo cards with the caption cards. This is an adult game (you should be comfortable cursing and talking about sex with the other players), so you may want to avoid playing with your parents or your children. It’s the type of game to be played with a few bottles of wine and close friends. $30 at urbanoutfitters.com

For fans of Balderdash: Speak Out
Great for a family game, each player wears a ridiculous mouthpiece that won’t allow them to close their mouth. Try speaking while wearing this. It’s hysterical, and will have you laughing so hard, you’ll cry. The instructions are easy and the mouthpieces are simple to use, and it’ll be a full night of laughs. The only downside is that once you’ve played it, this game isn’t as much fun the second time. But it’s totally worth it. $13.25 (list price $20) at amazon.com

For fans of Civilization: CATAN
The remote island of Catan is yours to take … if you can. You’ll need to trade, get lucky and be incredibly resourceful to snag this precious isle before someone else does. Build roads, homes and settlements as you go in order to make Catan the best it can be — or be out-strategized by another player. Beware: There are many fake copies of this game being sold, some of which are incomplete copies and some simply don’t work. It’s best to purchase this one directly from CATAN’s official shop store. $55 at catanshop.com

For fans of 7 Wonders: Ticket to Ride
Go back in time when everything in North America was connected by trains. Now it’s your turn to build train routes throughout by snagging the best train cards and routes before your opponents beat you to it. You’ll use strategies to connect the routes — tweens will be able to catch on quickly (so it’s a great family game). This is a fantastic board game for a group, and it’s a clean one. $44 (list price $55) at target.com

For fans of Codenames: Adult Loaded Questions
It’s time to really get to know your friends. Ask them questions like, “What is an instant mood killer?” or “What word sounds dirty but isn’t?” Make sure you’re playing with people who don’t get offended easily, as these questions run the gamut from silly to dirty to fun. Up the ante and turn this into a drinking game to make it an even crazier evening. $18 at loadedquestions.com
For fans of trivia: Boom Again
Remember when we all played Trivial Pursuit? Boomers, this new game built on that model is here for you, complete with tokens that vibe the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s, from a skate key to a roach clip. Play the board or just have fun asking each other questions from two thick boxes full of cards. Want to play it with friends or family while social distancing? The company even has guides on how to do it (and a fun video of a Zoom celebrity version where Gilbert Gottfried attempts to sing snippets of six Beach Boys hits). $45 with free shipping at boomagain.com