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Reduce And Cover Your Pesky Crow's Feet Today!

You can't prevent them completely but you can slow their development.

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illustration of crow's feet forming around woman's eyes as she smiles
Laurène Boglio
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Laughing at a funny joke or smiling and enjoying a happy afternoon with a friend are some of life's best moments. But over the years, laughing and smiling can cause lines to develop around your eyes.

While you wouldn't want to give up even one of those good times, you may sometimes wish you could erase or eliminate those pesky lines and wrinkles commonly called crow's feet.

What Are Crow’s Feet?

Crow’s feet are lateral canthal lines that form on the outer corners of your eyes. The pattern of the lines looks like the footprint of a small bird or crow and is more noticeable when a person laughs, smiles or squints. These small wrinkles form when the muscles contract.

Crow's feet are a natural part of getting older and are harmless from a health perspective. They usually develop in a person's 30s and become more prominent with age. The loss of collagen and elastin, two proteins that help skin retain its youthfulness, decreases with age, contributing to the prominence of the lines.

Over time, the lines deepen and may become visible even when the face is at rest. Contributing factors to the development of crow’s feet include heredity, sun exposure, stress and diet.

While there is no way to totally prevent crow's feet, there are things you can do to slow their development:

Apply Sunscreen

“Sun damage can exacerbate crow's feet,” explains Dr. Anna Chacon, a Florida dermatologist. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher daily, regardless of the weather and re-apply throughout the day.

Don't Smoke

Smoking can lead to many dangerous health problems. If you need another reason to quit, smoking can prematurely age skin and contribute to the formation of crow’s feet.

Wear Sunglasses

In addition to sunscreen, wearing sunglasses outside can help prevent unnecessary squinting from the sun's glare. A wide-brim hat can also be helpful.

Check Your Eyesight

If you squint when perusing a menu or checking email, it may be time to invest in reading glasses or getting a stronger prescription.

Eat a Diet High in Antioxidants

A healthy diet helps every part of your body, including your skin. Berries, nuts and green leafy vegetables are excellent choices for keeping skin looking its best.

Apply Moisturizer Specifically Designed for Eyes

“The skin around your eyes is thin and often drier than other parts of your face,” says Dr. Chacon. “Keep it hydrated with a good eye cream containing ingredients like hyaluronic acid or peptides that can improve elasticity and smoothness.”


While crow's feet are commonly associated with laughter or smiling, other emotions, including anger and anxiety, can cause facial expressions that lead to lines developing. Learn effective stress management techniques like meditating or breathing exercises.

Sleep on Your Back

Sleeping on your side or stomach can cause your face to crease. Over time, these creases can turn into permanent lines, so it may be worth trying to sleep on your back.

Minimize with Makeup

One way to decrease the appearance of crow’s feet is with makeup. But you must apply it correctly, or it can make the lines look more noticeable. "Wearing heavy foundation or concealer underneath your eyes can cause creasing in wrinkles and accentuate crow’s feet,” says makeup artist Stella Cameron. “Alternatively, choose lightweight hydrating formulas.”

Start with clean skin and apply sunscreen to the whole face, then an eye cream and an eye primer. "Use light, moisturizing concealer so it doesn't settle into lines,” advises Cameron.

“Put on thin layers of it little by little to increase coverage. Next, apply a highlighter strategically around the brow bone and inner corner of the eye, which will help illuminate the eye area overall. Finally, set with a translucent powder, but don't overdo it, as too much will enhance wrinkles."

Another tip: don't apply too much force when applying makeup or skincare products near the eye area. "Tugging makes our skins stretch, leading to even more wrinkle formation," explains Cameron.

More Advanced Approach

If makeup isn’t enough, there are other options for decreasing the appearance of crow’s feet:

Professional Treatments

Licensed, experienced dermatological professionals offer a range of procedures (injections, dermal fillers, laser resurfacing, micro-needling and chemical peels). Injecting neurotoxins (such as Botox) is the most popular treatment for crow's feet.

Micaela Bartash, a PA with Contour Aesthetics + Wellness, says, "Neurotoxins can be injected every three months on a schedule to the area. The relaxation of the orbicularis oculi muscle will soften crow's feet." Botox can quickly improve the appearance of crow's feet (within a few days) and regular treatment prevents fine lines from developing.


“Retinoids can stimulate collagen production, decreasing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles,” explains Dr. Chacon. “Over-the-counter products contain retinol, a less potent form, while prescription treatments contain stronger retinoids.” For people with sensitive skin, retinoids can irritate, so start with a lower concentration first to see how you tolerate them. Also, apply sunscreen diligently, as retinoids can increase skin sensitivity to UV rays.

Dr. Chacon says, “Remember, it's important to embrace aging as a natural process and to take care of your skin as best you can, rather than striving for perfection.”

Whatever you do, don't allow crow's feet to make you feel self-conscious or stop you from laughing, smiling and enjoying every moment.

How do you deal with your crow's feet? Has any particular product worked? Let us know in the comments below.

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