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AARP is on the front lines every day working to champion the rights of its more than 38 million members. From Fraud Watch Network tools to protecting Medicare benefits to keeping drug costs down, AARP has got your back. It also has leverage.

- Social Security. This is something that's a few years off for most of us, but it's still good to know that AARP fights to preserve Social Security. Plus, AARP answers all your questions in the AARP Social Security Resource Center, designed to help you determine the benefits you're eligible for, when you can get them, and how much you and your family can receive. Get access to practical information on how to steer through the paperwork — or click through the web pages — to receive the help you need from the Social Security Administration.
- Medicare benefits. While some legislators talk about benefit cuts for seniors, we’re talking about protecting the benefits millions of older adults rely on. Medicare is more than a line on a budget balance sheet — millions of Americans rely on Medicare benefits to make ends meet. Become involved and tell your members of Congress to get to work for the American people by protecting Medicare from cuts!

- The facts on fraud. AARP Fraud Watch Network offers important tips on how to spot and avoid scams like identity theft, investment fraud and holiday scams. It’s easy to sign up for Watchdog Alerts and view a scam-tracking map that provides real-time alerts from consumers like you and law enforcement in your state. Call the free helpline if you or a loved one suspects a scam. The AARP weekly podcast The Perfect ScamSM profiles America’s biggest scam stories.
- A healthy dose of reality. AARP believes no one should have to choose between buying medicine and buying food. Exorbitant drug prices push life-saving treatments out of reach for those who need them. The United States has some of the highest prescription drug prices in the world so drug companies can make billions. AARP thinks it’s time for Congress to take action to protect older adults and all taxpayers from price gouging by drug companies. Get involved and tell your legislators to support commonsense solutions to lower drug prices today.

- Caregiving help. The Prepare to Care: A Resource Guide for Families was developed by AARP to help make the job of caregiver more manageable. It includes information on how to have vital conversations with older family members, organize important documents, assess your loved one's needs and locate important resources. The Military Caregiving Guide for veterans service members and their families provides caretakers with essential information needed for this extremely demanding role. Caring for wounded, ill or injured service members or veterans may be the hardest job you’ll ever take on. This guide covers some of the hurdles you may face along with help that is available. The AARP Family Caregiving website ( is a one-stop shop for tools and tips.
- Plus, AARP has Work & Jobs career resources, tools, and more. Get access to jobs searches and positions for experienced workers, and learn easy ways to stay current with changing technology.
Did you know AARP membership provides instant access to hundreds of carefully chosen benefits for just $12 for the first year with automatic renewal and $16 after that? Plus, you may find that using a single member benefit covers the entire cost of membership. Membership also includes a subscription to AARP’s bi-monthly magazine and a free gift. And beyond all that, there are even other perks such as access to special content such as a four-part audio series, The Girlfriend: In Conversation, featuring interviews with female thought leaders and trailblazers. The series is the result of a special partnership between The Girlfriend and Members Only Access.
Learn more about joining AARP!