Kari O'Driscoll is a writer living in the Pacific Northwest and the mother of two young adults. She is the founder of the The SELF Project, a comprehensive social-emotional learning curriculum for teens and parents/educators of teens. She is the author of One Teenager at a Time: Developing Self-Awareness and Critical Thinking in Adolescence and the recently published memoir Truth Has a Different Shape. Her other work has appeared in anthologies on mothering, food, and reproductive rights as well as online in outlets such as Ms. Magazine and Healthline. Her website is www.kariodriscollwriter.com

Kari O'Driscoll
Kari O'Driscoll's Articles
For the first time in 25 years I didn't have a glass of wine at Thanksgiving.
, December 23, 2019
5 Min Read
Here’s why it hurt so much.
, September 3, 2019
3 Min Read